Sunday, March 11

How to Make Sea Salt Ice Cream from Kingdom Hearts

Enjoy all you Kingdom Hearts fans~! <3


  • Two eggs
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 1/3 cup of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • 1 cup of heavy whip cream
  • Sea salt(not just salt)
  • Blue and green food coloring


First, separate the eggs. Yolk in one bowl, whites in the other bowl.

Next beat the egg whites until they are stiff.

Put in sugar in the bowl with yolk and mix

Pour milk into a pot and cook under medium heat. Stir occasionally.

Pour the milk into the yolk and sugar mixture and mix well

Put it back into the pot until thicker enough to make custard.

 Pour it into the mixed egg whites and mix

Now for the important part, add sea salt. Get a good balance between the sweet and salty. Do not add too much or you may get sick from the saltiness.

Insert into the fridge to cool. While waiting, play Kingdom Hearts 2 or Birth by Sleep!

Once the mixture cooled, add cream and vanilla.

Now add 12 drops of blue food coloring and three drops of green food coloring

Pour into the Popsicle molds and into the freezers or follow the instructions from your ice cream maker. Thank you for making sea salt ice cream. Just don't go on a high tower and eat it kids.

If this recipe doesn't tickle your fancy or doesn't sound correct to you, then here is a link to go to food . com for more information and a better description. And instructions. :) 

